
Welcome Quinn to the CCGG lab!
As of march, We welcome Quinn Croughs to the lab. In a joint project with the OncoRNALab, Quinn will work on spatial omics solutions.
Mar 06, 2025
Tom Luijts
Welcome Eden to the CCGG lab!
Eden Pappaert joined the CCGG lab as a new PhD student. Her research aims to use emerging spatial omics technologies to determine the genomic variables that drive the progression from normal skin to skin cancer.
Jan 6, 2025
Tom Luijts

FWO Senior Research project grant
Big news as the CCGG lab received the prestigious Senior Research Project grant for fundamental research provided by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) with a project entitled "Spatial mapping of mutant clones to understand the role of interclonal competition in human carcinogenesis".
Dec 13, 2024
Tom Luijts
Poster Prizes at VIB.AI and NBCNS
November was again a month full of prizes. First, Joachim took home the poster prize at the 14th NBCNS (Network for Neuroblastoma and CNS Tumor Research in Children) with his poster on spatial transcriptomics in human neuroblastoma. Later that month, Tom obtained the runner-up poster award at the Inaugural VIB.AI conference held in Mechelen with a poster on TP53 DNA mutation prediction from spatial transcriptomics data using neural networks. Congratulations to both!
Nov 20, 2024
Mechelen, Belgium
Lund, Sweden
Tom Luijts

MHC class II genotypes are independent predictors of anti-PD1 immunotherapy response in melanoma
Using a newly developed computational method, we discovered a strong association between MHC class II genotypes and the clinical response to cancer immunotherapy in melanoma patients. Big congratulations to Arne Claeys with this important first-author publication.
Sep 30, 2024
Jimmy Van den Eynden
Dr. Jonatan Gabre
On September 23th, Dr. Gabre defended his PhD in front of an audience of experts, family, friends and colleagues. He presented his research entitled 'Computational approaches to facilitate the identification of novel therapeutic targets in Neuroblastoma and other ALK-driver cancers". During his PhD, Jonatan made important contributions to open data science and reproducibility with the development of the CLEAN web app. By the end of the evening, he was awarded the title 'Doctor in Health Sciences'. Congratulations Dr. Gabre!
Sep 23, 2024
Ghent, Belgium
Tom Luijts

CRIG Kubbing Champions!
Jonatan, Jimmy and Tom won the finals of the yearly CRIG Kubbing tournament! After just losing out in last year's finals, the CCGG lab team got redemption by taking the victory.
Sep 12, 2024
Ghent, Belgium
Tom Luijts
VIB Spatial Omics and SETM symposium
Two more conferences were attended in June by different lab members. First, Tom presented his poster at the yearly VIB Spatial Omics conference here in Ghent. On june 18th, Jimmy and Arne travelled to London for the Somatic Evolutation and Tumor Microenvironment (SETM) symposium 2024 at the Francis Crick Institute.
Jun 20, 2024
Tom Luijts
Month of conferences
April was a busy month for the CCGG lab. First, Peter went to Berlin to present his Neuroblastoma-related work to collaborators in Berlin at a Ghent-Berlin Joint Research Meeting. Next Joachim, Jonatan, Tom, Peter and Arne all presented posters at the 10th CRIG OncoPoint Symposium in Ghent. Joachim even walked away with the poster prize! To round off April, Tom, Arne and Peter flew to the beautiful Italian city of Bergamo to present their posters at the EACR Cancer Genomics, Multiomics and Computational Biology conference.
Apr, 2024
Tom Luijts
Faculty Research Day, Research symposium and Neuroblastoma UK
The past 7 days proved busy for the CCGG lab. Our 3 medical master students presented a poster on their sampling efforts at the Faculty Research Day. The next day, Peter Merseburger presented his research on spatial transciptomics in neuroblastoma at the 6th Neuroblastome Research Symposium held in Cambridge. Not to be outdone, Joachim Siaw clinched the poster prize at the Research Symposium organized by the UGent department of Human Structure and Repair.
Mar 27, 2024
Tom Luijts
CCGG @ NAV 2024
We attended the 185st meeting of the Nederlandse Anatomen Vereniging in Lunteren , Netherlands. Peter Merseburger gave a speech about the application of spatial transcriptomics to determine the tumor microenvironment response to experimental drugging in neuroblastoma mice models. Sofie Hoogstoel presented her poster and received the poster prize for her efforts!
Jan 5 - Jan 6, 2024
Lunteren, Netherlands
Tom Luijts
Preclinical exploration of the DNA damage response pathway using the interactive neuroblastoma cell line explorer CLEAN
The Cell Line Explorer App for Neuroblastoma (CLEAN) is now publicly accessible. Jonatan Gabre and colleagues made an interactive web application to facilitate neuroblastoma research. We aim to make all published Neuroblastoma RNA-Seq and phosphoproteomic dataset readily and easily available for anyone in the field.
Dec 28, 2023
Jonatan Gabre
Dr. Arne Claeys
On December 12th, Dr. Claeys did his public PhD defence in front of an audience of experts, family, friends and colleagues. He presented his combined research efforts on the computational exploration of MHC-based immune selection signals in large cancer genome sequencing datasets. At the end of the evening, he rightfully earned the title 'Doctor in Health Sciences'. Congratulations Dr. Claeys!
Dec 12, 2023
Ghent, Belgium
Tom Luijts
EMBL Cancer Genomics Conference
All lab members attended the 2023 EMBL Cancer Genomics Conference in at the EMBL Advanced Training Centre in Heidelberg. During the event, we participated with 5 different posters, among which the poster of Arne Claeys earned the prestigious poster award! The diverse array of speakers and posters that provided state-of-the-art and often unpublished insights, gave us valuable new ideas and inspiration to apply in our own research.
Nov 15-17, 2023
Heidelberg, Germany
Tom Luijts

Brussels Ekiden 2023
The lab participated in the Brussels Ekiden marathon of 2023. We finished the 42 km relay race at an impressive 122th out of 872 teams.
Okt 21, 2023
Brussels, Belgium
Tom Luijts
Twenty-five percent of primary and metastatic tumors have evaded the immune system
Recent work from the Cuppen lab demonstrated that genetic immune escape is present in minimally 25% of tumors and loss of the HLA allele is the main mechanism. Prof. Jimmy Van den Eynden put these results into perspective in a Nature Genetics News and Views article.
May 10, 2023
Tom Luijts
New recommendations for MHC genotyping
Arne Claeys and colleagues published an extensive and complete benchmarking study on MHC genotyping from NGS data. We currently recommend Optitype and HLA-HD for MHC class I and class II genotyping from NGS data, respectively.
May 9, 2023
Tom Luijts
Oncopoint 2023
The CCGG lab joined the yearly CRIG PrIOMiC-OncoPoint symposium in 2023. This year, we participated with 3 posters made by Arne Claeys, Jonatan Gabre and Joachim Siaw and a 2-minute poster pitch by Arne.
May 3-4, 2023
Het Pand, Ghent, Belgium
Tom Luijts
HLA affinity-based selection signals are easy misinterpreted
In a Letter to The Editor of Cancer Research we demonstrated that previously perceived immunoediting signals are false.
Our main concerns:
- When neoantigen predictions are solely based on HLA affinities, the very low prediction accuracy makes every immunoediting signal extremely unlikely.
- Proteins translated from non-expressed genes have stronger average HLA affinities. This is not selection but simple biochemistry!
- Naïve data filtering = asking for problems. When only 10% of mutations are neoantigenic, removing samples without these mutations is problematic in tumors with low TMB.
Mar 15, 2023
Tom Luijts
Dr. Joachim Siaw awarded CRIG Proof-Of-Concept grant
Congratulations to Dr. Joachim Siaw for receiving the CRIG Young Investigator Proof-of-Concept Project Grant for his research project. This will allow him to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of RUVBL1/2 inhibition in neuroblastoma mice models and determine the spatial signaling dynamics in the tumor microenvironment.
March 24, 2023
Tom Luijts

We published in PNAS!
In a collaborative effort between the CCGG Lab and the Palmer/Hallberg lab at Gothenburg University, we could identify isoform-specific as well as common downstream effects of four common ALK-fusion proteins known to play an important role in NSCLC. Please read our paper for more details!
Feb 27, 2023
Jonatan Gabre
CCGG @ NAV 2023
We attended the 184st meeting of the Nederlandse Anatomen Vereniging in Lunteren (Netherlands). Tom Luijts gave a 30 minute speech about the link between whole body donors and his project on early tumor evolution.
Jan 6 - Jan 7, 2023
Lunteren, Netherlands
Tom Luijts
New funding for CCGG lab
Our lab received new research funding from FWO, STK and AG fond for our neuroblastoma research and from CRIG for our research on mutant clones in normal tissues.
Dec 19, 2022
Ghent, Belgium
Tom Luijts
Four of our lab member attended the thirteenth Neuroblastoma and CNS (NBCNS) meeting in Gothenburg.
Nov 8, 2022
Gothenburg, Sweden
Tom Luijts

Welcome Sofie!
On October 1st, we welcome our newest colleague, Sofie Hoogstoel, to the lab.
Oct 1, 2022
Ghent, Belgium
Tom Luijts
Lab BBQ 2022
This September, Jimmy treated the lab to the yearly lab BBQ at his home.
Sep 2, 2022
Tom Luijts
Oncopiont Symposium 2022
In May 2022, the lab joined the yearly Oncopoint symposium organised by CRIG. Tom had the opportunity to present his work on normal tissue clonality during a 10-minute presentation.
May 23, 2022
Sint-Pietersabdij, Ghent, Belgium
Tom Luijts
GE research meeting 2022
In March 2022, the lab was present at the research meeting of the faculty of medicine and health sciences at Ghent University. Both Joachim and Jonatan gave presentations and Arne could show his poster.
Mar 31, 2022
Ghent, Belgium
Tom Luijts