CITE-seq data from human postnatal thymocytes (Yayon, Kedlian & Boehme et al. Nature 2024)
This shiny app allows the visualisation of 143-plex CITE-seq data of human postnatal thymocytes obtained from five donors.
This data is part of the Human Thymus Spatial Atlas by Yayon, Kedlian & Boehme et al. published in Nature in 2024,
Please refer to the manuscript for details on experimental procedures, antibody information, and data processing.
The raw and processed data as well as a Seurat object containing annotations
and relevant meta data can be downloaded from GEO under accession GSE271304.
CITE-seq data was generated, processed and prepared for visualisation by the Taghon lab (Ghent University, Belgium).
For questions and remarks, please reach out on the
Taghonlab website
Visualise cell meta data and gene / surface marker expression side-by-side on the WNN-integrated UMAP.
For transcripts, append gene name with ‘-RNA’; for surface proteins, append protein name with ‘-ADT’.
Visualise gene / surface marker expression or continuous cell information
(e.g. lineage pseudotime, number of UMIs)
across groups of cells (e.g. donors / cell types).
For transcripts, append gene name with ‘-RNA’; for surface proteins,
append protein name with ‘-ADT’.